Welcome to the Bio Ortopeda clinic!

Bio ortopeda



Kupiecka 32b, Zielona Góra, Poland

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    Payment for an appointment to a bank account

    For persons who have not appeared at least twice for an appointment and/or canceled their visit later than 24 hours in advance, the next visits can be booked only after making a non-refundable appointment fee in the amount of PLN 180 to the account No: 91 1140 2004 0000 3402 7527 2986.

    In order to guarantee the date of the appointment, it is necessary to pay in advance, so as to send the confirmation of payment not later than 24 hours before the agreed date to the email address: info@bioortopeda.pl.

    The title of the transfer should include the name and surname of the patient as well as the date and time of the appointment, determined during the registration.