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Angel System/ Stem cells

Stem cell treatment is now available in Zielona Góra! We offer access to the Angel System® – the most recent system of stem cell separation.

Check out the latest developments in molecular biology and let your body rebuild damaged tissues!
arthrex angel system


The Angel System® modern technology of stem cell separation guarantees the best separation of stem cells, both mesenchymal and hematopoietic, in the world. Why? Because only the Angel System® ensures the highest concentration of undamaged preparation.

The Angel System® technology makes it possible to separate stem cells derived from platelets or bone marrow. The Angel System® is a reliable method used in patients requiring regeneration after injuries to the tendons, cartilage and muscles.

The exclusive Angel System® therapy is used by the most famous celebrities!


  • Safety – the process of obtaining concentrate is completely automated.
  • Technological advancement – Angel System® is unrivaled in obtaining clean PRP.
  • Comfort and visible effects – noticeable result after the first treatment.
  • Fast regeneration
  • Separation and concentration – an automated separation system ensures repeatability of cell concentration. It is a revolutionary technology that gives a chance to regenerate damaged tissues. Other systems use a very small amount of blood and are based on the method of multiplication, so that the final effects of the process (cell concentration) are not predictable.


In addition to the fact that the Angel System® separates stem cells, this method is also used to treat blood – this way it is possible to separate pure platelets, or growth factors (PRP). The Angel System® separator enables the highest concentration of PRP.

Angel System® + bone marrow = stem cells

Angel System® + blood = PRP

Note, indications:

  • Advanced arthrosis (osteoarthritis), especially acute states with defects in articular cartilage.
  • chondromalacia of articular cartilage
  • damage to muscles and/or tendons
  • tissue damage requiring reconstruction

Mesenchymal stem cells (MKM) have the potential to form various cell types that are part of skeletal tissues (e.g. bone, cartilage, fat). The treatment of cartilage tissue or bone diseases with stem cells is still being researched. Some studies also focus on another group of medical conditions, but the scientific basis for such studies has not yet been accepted.


Stem cells can be taken primarily from the marrow and umbilical cord blood. As primary and non-specialized, stem cells enable the treatment of many diseases – mainly hematological and oncological diseases. Cells in each body mature and differentiate into specialized cells to die after a certain time. Stem cells are still undifferentiated and have the ability to mature, divide and create specialized cells. Stem cells harvested from umbilical cord blood can be used even after several decades of storage. However, this is a solution that can be decided during delivery.

This does not mean, however, that treatment with stem cells can only be performed in people whose blood has been previously stored. In the case of adults, the collection can also be carried out from different locations, and the most important include the bone marrow. Among the cells found in the bone marrow, mesenchymal stem cells can also be isolated.

Treatment of osteoarthritis and muscle and tendon diseases with stem cells is a method with which very high hopes have been associated for several years. Mesenchymal stem cells form specialized cells found in skeletal tissues. Thanks to this, they can be used as a tool for tissue regeneration. In the case of muscle and joint diseases, gradual degeneration may occur. Complete destruction of the joint requires implantation of an endoprosthesis.

However, before this happens, the progressive destruction can be slowed down by treatment with stem cells. In this way, it is also possible to reconstruct damaged ligaments and tendons. When using stem cells derived from the patient, it is necessary to concentrate their multiplication, because adults have fewer stem cells in their body. The use of a specialized separator allows for obtaining stem cells from the bone marrow and platelets.

Mesenchymal Stem Cells (MSC), are capable of creating various types of cells that make up skeletal tissues, such as cartilage, bone or fat. The potential use of MSC in the treatment of bone or cartilage disorders is still subject to scientific research. Part of the research is focused on a different group of diseases, but there is no commonly accepted scientific basis in such studies.


MSC is an example of tissue, and also “adult” stem cells. Their main feature is multipotency, or the ability to differentiate into a larger number of specialized cell species found in the human body. MSCs are created by many such cells present in skeletal tissues. Therefore, it is possible to differentiate into chondrocytes, osteoblasts or adipocytes, that is, cartilage, bone and fat cells, respectively. Each of the cells has its own unique function, structure and shape.

The initial results of the study indicate that MSC have the ability to differentiate into other types of cells, non-skeletal, such as nerve, myocardium, liver or endothelium (forming the internal layers of blood vessels). However, these are not fully confirmed statements – this is the result of a merger of newly formed cells with specialized ones, which could have led to a false conclusion about the abilities of MSC. In addition, many research results have been distorted by adding differentiated chemical cells to the laboratory culture.

Confirmed: MSC differentiate into cartilage, bone and fat cells.

Not confirmed: MSC can create other cells in the body.


The first MSCs were found in the bone marrow. Since then, it has been repeatedly claimed that these cells also exist in many other tissues, such as umbilical cord blood, fat tissue and muscles. However, there is still no affinity between cells from other tissues than those from the bone marrow.

Source: www.eurostemcell.org/pl/


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